Super blood wolf moon

Yesterday I burned things.   
I burned Amazon boxes.   
I burned paperwork.    
I burned frozen    
wood that turned   
black and rolled with    
It was below zero    
and I was wearing thin shoes   
but the heat lifted me and   
I could look down on the   
I drank black coffee by   
the fire in a thin sweatshirt   
and poked at big bricks of   
credit card statements,   
peeling back the leaves    
to expose their untouched   
yellow hearts to the fire.   
I burned flyers and coupons,   
I burned grocery bags.   
I was in one of my phases -  
where the black drink    
and the   
unnatural smell   
of paper;   
the coughing and the 
black fingers;   
where I sucked   
it all in    
like a Lucky Strike.   
I didn’t know   
later that night   
the moon would look   
smudged and  broken-nosed   
that it, too  
would become a  
fire pit    

for the sky